The Guy goes in the bathroom and leaves the door open (we always leave the door open around each other when we pee). He does his stuff, then washes up, and closes the door. As I end the call I say "hello" in a playful tone. He starts crying. "Fuck" was the first thought that came to my head and I wanted to slap Josh. What did Josh do? Did he have such a terrible time? He seemed so happy walking in and this is almost what I expected. I waited and waited outside the door listening to him bawling. I was worried. He comes out and he is barely able to make it out, but he hit 200 pounds!!! I didn't know what to think. I was honestly at the point of being pissed off and then to hear this. I told him "congratulations," and he stood there telling me how hard it was, how he never thought this time would come, and things like that. We talked some, he texted all of his close friends, including Josh to tell them. I was so excited and I told him how proud I was of him. He has worked so hard for it. We unload the car and after every piece of luggage he comes in crying. I didn't know exactly what to say or do, I was just really happy for him. He updated his facebook status to say that he had lost 46 pounds in 1 year. He goes in the bathroom, takes a dump, and he is 200.0 instead of 200.3. He tells me how healthily he ate all weekend. He had a bunch of cereals in his luggage and stuff like that. Then we take off to the rental car company.
I follow him to the rental car company at the airport and I know I was smiling the whole time and just very happy. It is amazing. I am so elated for him because although I'm not fat I know how much he hurt and seeing how he beat himself up worse than any girl over the whole fat issue. At least in my mind. Seeing how he dropped the pounds has been amazing and gradually transitioning from wearing the same old black shorts and black shirts everyday to brand name shorts and shirts from Nordstrom has been exciting. He always said he wants to hit 200 and he never thought he could do it. For a year he has talked about if he just hit 200. It was finally happening.
He gets in the car after turning in his Infiniti and I ask him how his weekend was. He described it as a "boar" I think. He said Josh didn't know he existed. I was not surprised. He said he spent most of the weekend in his room crying. I can believe that and it just breaks my heart to see how caught up he is in him. Anyways, the conversation was not going to stay sour. I wasn't going to let it. He was scrolling through his phone reading all the congratulations from his facebook status. He starts crying again and getting really uneasy shaking his legs back and forth. He said he didn't know if he was crying because of Josh or because of hitting 200. I told him Josh is not even in the picture today. Today is YOUR day, you hit 200 and my mission was to make sure he remembered that. He talked about how Josh is still playing distant in his texts and using the same smile over- wanting to play it straight- not really caring. The Guy was hurt. I was trying to divert him from Josh the best I could. The Guy joked that carrying around 46 pounds was like carrying one of those heavy weights at the gym around. He talked about how it took almost exactly 1 year. He said how uncomfortable and heavy that was, and we laughed that it actually was. I put my hand on his leg to comfort him and also just to congratulate him. He was talking about all of the negativity that he has surrounding weight and that number was just amazing.
We get back to his house, more congrats, help him unpack. He had 4 bags. He travels like a gay guy. HAHA. Anyways, it was mainly putting his beauty products in his bathroom. He shows me the 180 or so pics of Josh he took. Just Josh. There were 4-5 of the team, however.
The Guy then tells me to go in the office with him. He goes to Paypal to send me money for house sitting for the weekend. When he got in my car the other day he saw my scribbles on a sheet of paper. I conduct business in the car. I had been on the phone with the bank and found out I was only $320.00 from being able to buy my computer Thursday afternoon when I was driving over to his place. I had a bunch of random math and then in 3-4 places I had written $320. The Guy thumbed through his wallet at that time on Thursday looking for $320.00 so I could buy the computer because he wanted me to be able to play with it all weekend. He told me to email him my paypal information and he'd slip me the money when he got to the hotel and I could buy it Friday morning. He was playful, serious about it. I did. He didn't send the money and I knew he was preoccupied and it wasn't a huge deal. I mean we had already said I'd get $200 for the weekend ($50 a day + $50 for food) and that was fine- I was more than grateful for that, and that's what he usually pays me. I was only $120 away from my goal. He put the money in paypal for me, so now I have to figure out how to retrieve it. That was all very nice and so unexpected. I thanked him, and almost broke down crying on Thursday night when he called telling me he'd wire me the money when he got to the hotel. How many guys have friends that can just do that for them and so graciously? I thanked him again 2-3 times before I left and most of all congratulated him on the 200. We hugged as he headed out to the gym, and I joked that he had newfound motivation.
I'm so happy for The Guy!!! 200!!! The Guy's ideal weight is 190 and I have no doubt he can do it now. I do have to say I know it wasn't easy because The Guy is the biggest sucker for junk food and things like that, new fad 1 week, new fad/idea the next.
1 comment:
Congrats to The Guy! Losing weight is so hard, I'm still trying to hit my goal. Maybe I've set myself up for an impossibility - but if he lost 46 lbs in a year, so can I! :D
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