Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Slow it down

I am a speeder. I can usually be found bumpin' the jam, cruising 10 or so miles above the speed limit. Sometimes I go with the flow of the traffic, sometimes I'm just plain fast, get out of my way! I am in a hurry!

I know where the speed traps are and where to slow down. I can tell you where they are on all the IE freeways, so I slow down and put the car in 70. I rarely drive above 75 unless I'm passing someone, but 75+ can get you a ticket, even 70+ when the speed limit is 65.

I drive the same surface streets over and over. I can tell you where the police hide on the highway I live on, and over near where I work.

Lately the popos have been out in full force.

Today I was driving near the airport and I was doing 60 in a 45 mile an hour zone. I just saw a policeman in the other direction on the other side of the median ready to pull someone over. I didn't know police hung out there. I do now. I promise to do 45 in that zone from now on especially because I don't want a ticket, have to do driving school, and the whole shebang. I was going down this road when I see a policeman hiding- I'm sure I was in distance of his radar. I got down to 50. The Chevy Avalanche next to me wasn't so lucky. I was only worried about my speed, but maybe he was going at about the same speed, if not faster. Then as I pass the officer he is on his way, lights flashing, I thought he was going for me, but he got the guy in the Avalanche. A good warning for me. I slowed it down the rest of the day.

Must slow down. A good reminder for me to always be careful and to drive at a safe speed. The anxiety of "is it me," and my heart racing for several minutes after is clearly not worth it.


Anonymous said...

I know you generally have a need to be places quickly, but I generally try to drive at or slightly under the speed limit. The only place I let myself "speed" a little is on the freeway, and you can get a ticket there for going to slow, lol!

Nothing's worse than a ticket, except hitting someone while going to fast. I figure it's not worth it to get there faster.

fan of casey said...

Mike: Popos? Obviously I'm not from your area so I don't know the meaning of this use. Where I come from "popo" is chinese for grandmother but I'm pretty sure it must mean something else. I take from the context of the discussion it means "Police" but why?

Mike said...

fan of casey: It is police. I guess its origin is from the late 80s and referred to bicycle cops who wore vests that said PO on them.

Mind Of Mine said...

Ohhh get down with your badself!

fan of casey said...

Mike: Thanks for clarifying, i guess it still works, my grandmother, she can be quite the enforcer, just like a policeman.

Bruce said...

Idea for next post, speed traps on the 60 and the 10 between Ontario and Riverside. That would help me out tremendously especially on the 60 on Sunday afternoons heading west. I love the stretch between the 215 and the 15, it's usually nice and clear. 85 to 90 is my norm there if there are no idots blocking the fast lane. Thanks!!