Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Sister issues

My sister did something so unthinkable. It is something I've blogged about before. The problem has escalated and snowballed. It may have caused me most of my friends from high school that I still am close friends with (The Mike's, Steve, the ex g/f, etc.). It all blew up in my face this morning about 7:20 when I get a call from Mike saying he doesn't want to hear from me again. I ask what is going on and I go around puzzled for a few hours and get random calls about what a shit head I am. I was lost as to what was going on. I was upset. I figured it out about 9:40 when The Guy called. I sent him right to voicemail and I get an angry voicemail from him saying basically to screw me, he doesn't need my antics. I was puzzled. I was pulling into the school parking lot in tears. What happened? Why was everyone against me? I pick up the phone and angrily dial The Guy and ask him what the fuck is going on. He asks me what the fuck is going on and tells me how I'm so needy and how he is not my world. I'm puzzled. It turns out without going into detail my sister sent him a text saying "thanks for nothing" and he was upset and angry at me. I am getting out of the car trying my hardest to not yell obscenities at him and to maintain my composure around everyone else walking to class, but it wasn't easy.

In class it hits me what went on and how everything happened. The Guy is online and at work by this time and I am rambling about the extent of the problem. I am having a tough time; I bail my last class and have a friend pick up the study guide for me. I get home and try to do some damage control/talk to the people who were hurt by this. I let my dad know and talk to him about it. He is livid. He does what he can to handle it and does some damage control of his own.

The Guy and I were originally going to hang out at 4:30 to work on our papers. I get to his place after we agree we still want to hang out. He is there working on his new HP Media Server he bought- still trying to get something that iTunes could work on. He is installing and rebooting. He looks like he has a couple of his school books out and a few sentences written in a Pages document. We spend a while sitting around and chatting about what transpired with my sister and what her punishment should be. He came up with the same thing my dad did. The Guy makes some pasta with the beef tenderloin he bought the other day when we were out.

At 6:30 we take off because he has a hair appointment. I come home with my Eggnog latte from Starbucks and in time to greet my mom and let her know what went down. My sister is in the hot seat alright. Good news there!


Aek said...

Why is your sister so evil and like that?! That's beyond mean and wrong, it's just not human. I hope all your friends forgive you for this and that your sisters gets the adequate punishment she deserves.

Next time, keep all your things close to you and passworded or something. Best of luck with the whole situation.

Crap Newsman said...

Wow. If that was my sister I would have knocked her out the first time.

Creative Thinker said...

Hell to the yes!