Tuesday, February 17, 2009

At least she's honest!

My sister is applying for scholarships to have her winter tuition covered next year because she wants to graduate early and it isn't covered by the group that is currently paying for her tuition. She had to write an essay about why she needed the money and get this- here is her response:

"My studies have proved critically important to me throughout this passage of time with aspirations to graduate early. My parents are nearing retirement with the completion of many years of work, but can't afford to retire because they are constantly doling out money to fund my brother's college education and my brother is also very high maintenance. I will be ensuing a degree postgraduate in speech communications to be able to look at and help those of minority backgrounds with speech."

Wordy and it doesn't make a whole lot of sense, no? So she is ensuing a degree and she's going to help minorities or something. And I'm high maintenance. Normally I'd be offended by that because I don't think I am, but for her to foolishly write that in her essay is fine and dandy with me. Only reason I saw it was it was on my parent's bed and it was there while we were both brushing our teeth. I peeked when she was turned away, then brought my computer in and blogged.

- In another note I hit a big pothole on the freeway today on the way to a college admission interview for a teaching credential program. I was doing about 65 and the pothole was probably 3x5' and no avoiding it and 4-5'' deep. Caused me to get a flat tire, broken hubcap, broken tire rim, and need for a major alignment (and possibly suspension problems). My car is only 6 months old and has 10,000 miles. I was able to pull to the side of the freeway safely and the tire was replaced. I was only 1/2 mile from the dealer when it happened- the dealer is a good 20 miles from my house. Made it to the interview (25 minutes LATE- but I would have been 25 minutes early) and was admitted to the school. I am driving my sister's car tomorrow.


Aek said...

Lol at your sister.

Wow, I hurt for your car. :( But at least the interview went well enough for you to get in! What's this for exactly? A grad school program?

Anonymous said...

Potholes suck...and whoever invented the speed bump, not on my list of people I admire.

Stay high maintenance!

Bruce said...

Maybe you should help her re-write it. I know she is a bitch but it would only help you and your parents if she does get the scholarship. We all know she's not getting with that paragraph!!

Anonymous said...

Wow. What an essay. Maybe if you were a little *less* high maintenance ... ;)