Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Loving this rain

Almost nonstop rain in So Cal since last Friday- LOVE IT!

Here's some views from today. Sadly, today is the last day.

They say this is the most rain we have received in 10 years. I have heard we received 4 inches yesterday alone.

Lots of flooding throughout my city- a bridge for a major thoroughfare was washed out, several intersections completely submerged by water, a few lowpoints under bridges in our city were flooded lots of mud flow. Lots of new potholes on California's already bad roads, a major interchange closed due to falling concrete from the connector roads.


fan of casey said...

Mike: Look at that mess in the last photo. Be careful driving, you know what a speed demon you are, but more so look out for those bad drivers out there.

BTW, I usually like rain too, it's very cleansing and we need rain to restock our aquifers here in Hawaii. Our big downpour was sunday but looks like it's going to be a wet christmas.

Aek said...

Hahaha. Oh Californians. Add rain or snow (common weather in the Midwest) and you lose all ability to function!


Okay, to be fair, we rarely get mudslides here and our cities are built to not flood easily (in general).

Anonymous said...

Dude, it feels like we have been living on Noah's Ark these past 5 days. :) And yes, California's cheese grater roads just got worse LOL.

Mike said...

@ fan of casey: I'm very careful in rain and adjust my speed accordingly.

@ Aek: Go ahead and laugh at Cali! :)

@ M@rvin: That's a great way to describe the streets - cheese grater roads! True dat.

SCalRF said...

I enjoyed the rain too. It is pretty funny how every time CA has a massive rain storm it's national news.

SCalRF said...

I enjoyed the rain too. It is pretty funny how every time CA has a massive rain storm it's national news.