Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Scolded like a little kid

My mom, sister, and I went to Target today. I was looking at an entertainment stand for my birthday and was checking out what they had at Target. I decided I really didn't like what Target had to offer.

Anyways, my mom, sister, and I find a few things to buy and make our way to the checkout. There were several checkstands going with 3-4 people in each. There were several people waiting at the end of the checkstands along the walls for family/friends. My mom makes her purchase, and my mom starts to walk out since there was really no room to wait without further blocking the aisle leaving the checkouts. We make our way outside and are maybe 10 feet from the door just crossing the parking lot. We are parked at the end of the lot. My sister comes outside and starts yelling "THERE YOU GUYS ARE, IT WOULD HAVE BEEN NICE TO WAIT FOR ME!!!" My mom just turned around, explained there was no place to wait, and we would never leave her, then continued walking to the car. We get to the car and I load the items we purchased in the back. My sister gets in the car and closes the door to the backseat where she is sitting. My mom opens the door, raises her voice, and says something to my sister that started the waterworks. I'm not sure what she said, but my sister was in tears, and my mom made her point. Major props to my mom for taking a stand and not putting up with my sister. All I could do was laugh and think about what a little kid my sister was. It was comical. My sister cried for about a minute or two, and had an attitude the rest of the way home. My mom just opened up her passenger rearview mirror, gave her a look, and that was that. Props to mom!


fan of casey said...

Mike: And the sibling drama continues . . . your sis is going to make one heck of a girlfriend.

Aek said...

Lol, pwned. :-P