Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Helping him and his neutered dog

The Guy called me at 1:00p.m. yesterday as I was driving home from school with my mom. He asked if I was coming over and could do a favor for him. He wanted a new cone for his dog that had just been neutered- he was looking for an inflatable cone as opposed to the large lamp shade cone he had. The Guy was refusing to leave the house to be with the dog. I said ok. I get home, drop my mom off at the house, and get in my car and go to Petco. We chatted most of the ride home with my mom in the car about random stuff- how was your day, etc. My mom had no problem with it.

I had a hard time finding the inflatable cone at Petco, but asked a lady there and found it. I called The Guy and he told me buy both the extra large and large cone.

I get to The Guy's house and he opens up the cones. He blows up the cone and puts it on the dog. He thinks the large one is too small, but the extra large is too large. We fiddle with that for a while and just hang around the house. We go into the den where he is just checking his e-mail and talk. I tell him about the latest with my dad and he was a sympathetic ear to just listen and that was so nice. He basically reassured me he is there if I ever need anything, and just told me things I should do if I can to help the relationship.

We eventually go out and lay down on the couch. He lays on his dog and I do too. Our heads are against each other. We watch an episode of "Law and Order." Then he asks me if I can go to In-N-Out for food for him. I said sure. Then he said that he needs to pay me back the $85.00 from the stuff from Petco. He looks in his wallet for money, then he asks me to check if there is money in his pants. There is $65 in his pants. Then he says that he needs more money and gives me his ATM card to go to the bank to get money. He changes his mind and says for me to go to the liquor store and see if they'll give me $80 cash back. Then he changes his mind again and hands me all of the money in his wallet and the $65 to go to In-N-Out. Then he decided he could write me a check for the Petco stuff. Then he said he didn't know what he wanted, but maybe I should just go to Wells Fargo, get money, get In-N-Out, get drinks, then come back and he'll figure out how to pay me. I came back with money and he gave me the $85 he owed me. That was difficult, but hilarious since I was about to walk out of the house 3-4 times, and he changed his mind each time.

I didn't want In-N-Out because I wasn't hungry. I had just had lunch with my mom a couple hours ago. While he was eating we talk about my mom's friend Linda again because I had substituted for her that day. We sat on the couch- he played WOW for a little bit. I just sat with his dog on my lap (OUCH- his dog is 115 pounds) and watched "Law and Order." Finally about 7p.m. I said I'm going to get my computer. I had a lot of things on my mind- I needed to work on my paper for my film class. I am writing about how "Sex and the City" is a literary show (like a book). This topic perplexed me. I'm out of practice on literature type essays where you do this sort of thing. Seriously, in college I've really only done research essays, then in Spanish it is always either a narration, a description, or a persuasive essay; so my mind wasn't in tune to do something like this and I felt really stupid because it is not as if I didn't know how; I just forgot/had a mental block. When I was asked to figure out how the show is like a book I was stumped. My mind hasn't been working that way and I felt stupid. The Guy kept asking me what I was doing and I said I was looking for information online. He reminded me who was sitting next to him, and I confirmed yes, I should have asked him because he is the answer man. He mentioned the frame of the show, the archetypal characters (Charlotte= aspiring housewife, Samantha=slut, Miranda= career minded, etc.). That was PERFECT. I had written 3 pages of my paper on the frame, but the archetypal characters was such a great idea and I was a little disappointed I hadn't come up with that. He just took a huge load of stress off of me. YAY!!!!!!!!!!

We pal around doing other random stuff, then he goes into the office and cleans up his desktop because it is going to his work, then he played WOW for a little bit. I left about 9p.m. because I was tired. We hugged and I thanked him for EVERYTHING he did, told him how fun it was. Then he thanked me profusely for running all of those errands for him. The Guy has today off work to care for his dog; even though he usually works today, then goes to work tomorrow, but wants someone to stay with his dog all day. He is such a worrier and cares so much for the dog.


Crap Newsman said...

You are such a slave. I, too, want to be enslaved by a cute guy.

Anonymous said...

Damn, there was no "and then I sucked him off" stuff tonight.
