Saturday, April 26, 2008

Thinking about these questions...

I've been reading up online and trying to answer these questions about coming out...

Are you sure about your sexual orientation?
- Yes

Are you comfortable with your gay sexuality?
- Yes- moreso than ever with support from you bloggers and readers, as well as Gonzo and The Guy.

Do you have support? In the event your parents' reaction devastates you, there should be someone or a group that you can confidently turn to for emotional support and strength. Maintaining your sense of self-worth is critical.
- See above- I know The Guy will be there for me in any way he can.

Are you knowledgeable about homosexuality? Your parents will probably respond based on a lifetime of information from a homophobic society. If you've done some serious reading on the subject, you'll be able to assist them by sharing reliable information and research.
- Yes- I know of the issues they'll bring up like STD's and the clubbing scene, but I don't think this is where there big issues will be.

What's the emotional climate at home? If you have the choice of when to tell, consider the timing. Choose a time when they're not dealing with such matters as the death of a close friend, pending surgery or the loss of a job.
- The climate is alright, but when will it be good? I don't see it becoming better. It isn't stuff between my parents- moreso stuff with my grandma, the stress of fixing up our house, buying a new house, money, etc.

Can you be patient? Your parents will require time to deal with this information if they haven't considered it prior to your sharing. The process may last from six months to two years.
- Yes, summer may be a good time when they'll have more downtime since they will be off of work.

What's your motive for coming out now? Hopefully, it is because you love them and are uncomfortable with the distance you feel. Never come out in anger or during an argument, using your sexuality as a weapon.
- To stop lying to my parents, to be more truthful. To also be able to live my life more openly and perhaps pursue a relationship.

Do you have available resources? Homosexuality is a subject most non-gay people know little about. Have available at least one of the following: a book addressed to parents, a contact for the local or national Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, the name of a non-gay counselor who can deal fairly with the issue.
- A book may be a good idea, especially if it deals with religious aspects for my mom. Maybe I'll look into that.

Are you financially dependent on your parents? If you suspect they are capable of withdrawing college finances or forcing you out of the house, you may choose to wait until they do not have this weapon to hold over you.
- Yes, but I do have a lot of money saved up and I hope that in this situation my mom would threaten about something like this my dad would step in. I make enough to pay a small amount for rent, clothes, etc., if need be.

What is your general relationship with your parents? If you've gotten along well and have always known their love -- and shared your love for them in return -- chances are they'll be able to deal with the issue in a positive way.
- Good relationship

What is their moral societal view? If they tend to see social issues in clear terms of good/bad or holy/sinful, you may anticipate that they will have serious problems dealing with your sexuality. If, however, they've evidenced a degree of flexibility when dealing with other changing societal matters, you may be able to anticipate a willingness to work this through with you.
- My dad will probably be ok. My mom however with the whole Christian view on things will probably not be ask accepting.

Is this your decision? Not everyone should come out to their parents. Don't be pressured into it if you're not sure you'll be better off by doing so -- no matter what their response.
- Yes, so this has me thinking do I really need to because I'm getting along fine without telling them. I just feel bad that I can't and that I am lying and hiding stuff to them.


Ray said...

This site might be of help with your mother.

Ray said...

oops, forgot the main link.

Creative Thinker said...

Awww sweetie... be real sure before you take that jump. I know a lot of people out there will tell you to be proud of who you are and that they need to know. I'm not saying that's not the case, but keep in mind that this will change your relationship with your folks completely, especially if one of your parents is resistant to the idea. I recently read a book that said that gay men take so long to deal with who they are and their sexuality and it can take years for them to come to terms with themselves and then they tell their parents and the parents don't react well. The gay man often expects the parents to immediately understand and are often angry when this doesn't happen. The point of this is not to not tell your parents but give them ample time afterwards to process what you have revealed to them. This book said to give them at least half the time it took you to come to terms with yourself...
Good luck, bro... no matter what - we are all behind you ...