Saturday, March 17, 2012

High School Reunion of sorts

Met up with Darla and Amoona - it'd been months since I'd hung out with them - probably when Gonzo got married was the last time.

We met at 6 at this new indian place - it was so-so- the hummus was clumpy.

We chatted about anything and everything - and Darla drank, so she was inquisitive, and I answered her questions about whether gay guys begin to feel loose after being fucked so much... LOL. Good times! She shared her first experience with me and Amoona has never been kissed etc.

My cousin wanted to get her Irish on, and I did too, so we rushed to the Irish pub after. The line was at least 3-400 to get into it- no joke- the line wrapped around a large department store completely. We opted for the martini bar next door. In there it was like a high school reunion. I saw a kid named Bryce, the bros who graduated the year before me, and a few girls from my grade. My cousin saw 5-6 that she went to high school with, which was cool. She chatted her friends up and they were cool. Awkward moments in the bathroom when I go in- there's a urinal and toilet- some asian guy wished me a happy St. Pat's Day, and then asked me if I waited in the pub line, told me he was worried about cops, and then joined me in the bathroom to piss where he put his arm on me as he was doing it telling me how we are both bros. UM. NO. WEIRD. My cousin wasn't a fan of the gin and tonic, but was of the apple concoction the bartender whipped up the 2nd time around. Girls grinding up on guys awkwardly, girls on girls, and guys on girls... good times to observe

This song was really popular and the crowd seemed to go wild

We both left about 11pm and were home by 11:30. Good times... reunionish

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