Monday, January 7, 2008

Coming out vids on youtube

Stumbled upon to these on youtube and found these coming out vids interesting.

Frat boy's story

This guy has an interesting story


Matt in Argyle said...

thanks for posting these man, they reminded me of a few things.

J.R. said...

Awesome links, man. I love to watch YouTube videos about coming out stories. I mean, i started reading the blogs first, and then about a year ago I stumbled onto some YouTube videos from some guys... and I think those really motivated me to decide to come out. LIke, actually seeing and hearing these guys, and seeing that they're "normal" or "just like me" and then reading all the blogs and discovering the same thing... well, helped me get over that prejudiced stereotype I had, which was keeping me from being able to admit I who I was.

Nothing Golden Stays

J.R. said...

Oh, and is it just me, or does the second boy remind anyone else of Jake Gyllenhaal... So cute.

Nothing Golden Stays