Friday, January 25, 2008

Romantic dinner

The Guy and I were talking on IM about chicken. We were having chicken here at home for dinner. I was telling him how it bothers me that my dad just salts the chicken- does not put any sort of coating or much needed spices on it. The Guy said I should really try a certain chicken recipe and he sent me the link to check it out. It looked delicious, but I told him my dad wouldn't go for it because my dad is simply about quick cooking (though this would take a few more minutes- also sis would not have ate it). So The Guy said to come over and we'll make it. I im'd and texted him to see that he was serious because he was there making me even more hungry than I already was. It was about 5p.m. and I ate a bagel at 7a.m. I didn't get lunch because of the crazy schedule at school.

Got over to his place and he was in the office on the phone with his mom. He finished talking to her, put the dog in the crate, then we got in the car to go. We blasted Mika's new CD, which was hilarious. The Guy was really in a great mood. We talked about our days and how we haven't seen each other in a week. The Guy asked where we should go- either Stater Brothers or Trader Joes. Trader Joes would have been busier around dinner, so we decided against that. Stater Brothers was going to be our chioce, but then the Farmers Market near his house just opened up, so we checked it out.

We go in and get our garlic, rosemary, butter, and stuff like that for the chicken. As we go through the aisles we ended up with about $200 in merchandise- yogurt, sweet potato fries (which we ate with the chicken), soy pudding (which was dessert), bananas, glacier water (that means it is really old, haha), green tea, and a bunch of other little things like dog treats made out of real meat.

We go back to The Guy's place and put everything away. The Guy had me turn on Mika on and he opened up a bottle of wine. Then we toasted to the chicken. I diced and chopped the rosemary, garlic, and stuff like that. The Guy worked at preparing the chicken and did the majority of the preparation. We spent about 30 minutes prepping the chickens.

While waiting for the chickens to bake we went in the office and watched the first 3 episodes from season 1 of "Seinfeld" while they were being added to The Guy's computer to put into Apple TV. We finished off the bottle of the wine at the time. The Guy said since I had just turned 21 had probably never done wine tasting or any of that, so he explained to me how it worked and what you do, then little things like the legs of the wine etc. That was a good bottle of wine, but I forget the name of it.

About 60 minutes later we thought the chicken should be ready (or he did, but I was skeptical because we made 2 whole chickens), so I figured 80-90 minutes. The Guy cuts the chicken and we see that it is still bloody, so it goes back in. The Guy turns the oven up and put the sweet potato fries in. He douses them with garlic and salt. We check the chicken periodically in that time. We decided to have our chocolate vanilla soy pudding we got at the store, our dessert, first. We stood in the kitchen talking about how soy pudding is not as bad as it sounds. I told The Guy I didn't think it would be bad because it is made out o soy milk, which is pretty good, soy pudding couldn't be bad.

We were both starved, but managed to survive until 9p.m. when the chicken was finally ready. The meat just fell off the bones on the chicken. I'm not a white meat fan, but this white meat was so flavorful and tender. The garlic wasn't as potent as The Guy had hoped, but the lemon he put in permeated and it still tasted great. It was worth the wait and so much more flavorful than my dad's chicken would have been.

I put the fries on a plate and put them on the coffee table. We put the dog in the crate, which The Guy NEVER does when we eat. It was so nice to not have to worry about the dog while eating. We dimmed the lights, turned on "Law and Order," and ate our chicken. IT WAS SO GOOD. The conversation was all about how great the chicken was.

I really enjoyed this dinner just because it was so nice, calm, and romantic. I have never really done this, so it was AWESOME.

After dinner, I cleaned up putting all of the dishes in the sink and cleaning off our plates. His dog got in the trash can and took out a chicken bone. The Guy slapped his dog hard and I wrestled for the bone back. I won. His dog stayed away from him the rest of the time I was there.

We sat on the couch, me laying up against him watching "Law and Order," cuddling under the down alternative comforter he has to cuddle under on the couch. He had the patio door open and we listen to the rain pouring outside. While we were sitting on the couch, The Guy was talking about how he felt so bad for hitting his dog that hard. In nearly 2 years, that is probably 1 of 4 times he has hit his dog that hard.

At 11:00p.m., I thanked The Guy for dinner and my laptop rest he gave me, and then leaned over, hugged him, and then gave him a kiss on the cheek and took off. I was so tired.

I drove home in the pouring rain. Yes, it was pouring here in Southern California. It was AWESOME. I love driving in the rain as bad as that sounds; especially when it can be so dangerous because of all the oil on the roads and Southern Californians don't know how to drive in rain. I love being in my nice warm car with the heater on, radio playing softly, watching the rain hit the windshield. I also know how to drive in the rain, unlike so many Californians. I took it slow, driving only 60-65mph, as opposed to what I could have been doing and just enjoyed myself. I made it home in 32 minutes; driving in the rain and slower than normal made it in great time.

1 comment:

Aek said...

Good job. You made me hungry. At 1:02am here. -_-

I miss the rain. Rain = warm. It'll be a while before I see rain again.