Saturday, January 26, 2008

Rotten mood

I am in one rotten mood right now for reasons I don't care to go in to; but I always hate when I am in one of these moods and I am upset like this I become a lot more emotionally driven and less logical and I always worry I'm going to say things I will regret... like the fact that I am gay.


Aek said...

I know what you mean. I hate those days when I'm in such a crappy mood. It also seems to infect people around me too. :( I hope your mood perks up soon! ::hugs::

Anonymous said...

Hope you're feeling in better spirits!


Matt in Argyle said...

yeah, I've been there too. You just don't want to be around anyone, and when you are the smallest things can set you off.

Creative Thinker said...

hang in there know what that hateful little nasty bitch says..."the sun will come out tomorrow"

B said...

Hang in there pal!