Thursday, August 26, 2010


Stolen from Ian and Joey because that's how I roll...

1. Are you happier now than you were five months ago?

5 months ago was March. It was spring break. It was about the time I came up to my mom, and had been dealing with the acquaintance who outed me. I think I am happier today- at least my mom knows, and I have a great support system who has helped me deal. I have had some cool friendships develop with Jack Off Buddy and his boyfriend, and several other friends.

I am closer to finishing my credential. I feel more stability with the acquaintance gone. I have had some awesome opportunities to interview.

2. Have you ever slept in the same bed with anyone that you shouldn't have?

Um... I have really only slept and spent the night at one person's house, and that would be The Guy. I have no regrets there. That's how I choose to answer the question- maybe a little naive.

3. Can you sleep in total darkness?

I need total darkness and quiet/white noise. I can't sleep with light. My bedroom faces the east. I have blackout curtains to cut down on the light so I can sleep past 6 or 7 when the sun comes up.

4. Your phone is ringing. It’s the person you fell hardest for, the one who got away, what do you say?


5. What do you think about the weather this summer?

If you asked me last week I'd have said it is perfect- not too hot and not too cold. 111 today and 113 or so tomorrow. I think we need another summer storm. It was sunny all day looking out my classroom window.

6. How many people do you trust with everything?

2- Gonzo and The Guy. I can trust Gonzo to give me the female perspective/listen, and we both support each other in similar ways. We share family stories, and we go way back. The Guy is someone I can tell everything to- he's very opinionated, yet also a great listener. He provides brotherly advice/listens/helps in any way he can when it comes to questions I have, guys, or just life in general.

7. What was the last thing you drank?

Crystal Light Lemon Iced Tea

8. Is there anyone you want to come see you?

There are several people I would love to come see me:

- My grandma and grandpa if it were possible

- My best friend in Mississippi

- Some of my blogger friends like B, Joey, Paint the Blog Orange, Dan (again), Aek, Ian, Phunk Factor, and Cash seems like a cool guy

9. Name one thing you love about winter?

Clothing and rain

10. Have you ever dated a Goth?

Nope. Long black hair does nothing for me. Short emo boys are a different story. Even preppy boys... yum!

11. What are you looking forward to tomorrow?

Another battle with the lady who places student teachers? Not...

12. Name something you dislike about the day you’re having?

Everything. Found out for sure about my student teaching placement. Arguing over that. Spent every moment I wasn't in class dealing with that. How was your day? Enough of my whining...

13. What's the longest that you have committed to one person and one person only?

1 1/2 years

14. What’s the first thing you did when you opened your eyes today?

Asked myself what GoCountry 105 was playing. It sounded like a mess at 6:06 when my alarm goes off. It turns out is was new Blaine Larsen, and it was called "Chillin." It's ok I guess... not my favorite Larsen song...

15. Has anyone ever told you they never want to ever lose you?

Yes, and in most cases we've lost each other. An exception would be my best friend in MS.

16. Is there anybody that you wish you could fix your relationship with?


17. Could you go out in public, looking like you do now?

Yes, I am in black basketball shorts and a gray tee that I wore to the gym. It is 10:00p.m, and so the chances of me going out tonight are nil.

18. Do you think things will change in the next 3 months? How?

Yes. Hopefully I'll have a long term sub position, hopefully not have to do my entire student teaching, maybe get hired in the middle of the year to teach, maybe be in a relationship, who knows...

19. Do you believe that you never know what you got until you lose it?

I try to remind myself how lucky I am with what I have, but until something/someone is gone it never really sets in.

20. Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?

Yes, Gonzo and Darla are at the top of the list.

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