Saturday, August 28, 2010

Practicing our Spanish

Pasé la noche con Eddy y todos mis amigos de trabajo. I just spent the night with Eddy and all of my coworkers. It was muy divertido. Llegué a las 9:30 con vodka y cookies. I arrived at 9:30 with vodka and cookies. Marci, Gonzo, y Eddy ya estaba. They were already there. So we played Malibu pong because we only had Malibu y sunny delight y no cerveza. It was quite fun. I sucked at Malibu pong. Never made the ball in pero had to drink a few glasses. It was fun. Marci and I seemed to get along- for some reason en las últimas veces we've hung out it hasn't seemed like we were on the same page, so this was cool. We played that until Marci y los otros, the others, were feeling a buzz. I wasn't. I was fine.

Viv y todos de sus primos showed up. All of her cousins. All of her male cousins. They are all such sweet guys, and Eddy invites them over because they can drink. It was sooooooo fun. Her cousins all hablan dos lenguas y unos no sabían, knew, that I could speak Spanish. I was cracking up on their jokes about mamando (sucking), and you can guess where that was leading. We drew pictures on a wall that Eddy had of penises and they drew cut and uncut penises, which I thought was an interesting thing. They think the veinier the penis, the longer and better. That wasn't all of the homoerotic stuff from the night. They were sharing shot glasses, beer cups, and sitting on the couch hugging and rubbing each others heads at several points. Near the end of the night on the balcony they were sharing cigarettes. They are cool guys, and I enjoy them. They're all such sweet latino guys, yet totally straight, yet do some things that are "gay," and yet don't know it.

So also during the night we were all into the Spanglish. Talking Spanglish como yo en este post, like me in this post. Fue interesante cuando yo empecé, it was funny when I started, and Viv's cousins weren't expecting. Nuestro amigo de trabajo, Hallie, es un nuevo coworker, and she was anxious to learn Spanish to flirt and get all over Viv's brother Gabe. OMG. He was fine. She was all over him. I was so jealous. All of us joked, kidded, and danced to the Spanish songs on Eddy's computadora. OMG. Eddy was all over the girls in the video, pero Gonzo, Viv, y yo were all over Enrique Iglesias. Can you say FINE?!?!?!?!

Eddy spent a lot of time in the closet drunk trying to sober and calling each of the girls at the party into the closet. I was a little fearful for the girls because Eddy was horny, so kept checking on everything. Todo was bueno, pero I would have felt really guilty if Eddy had seduced them or something against their will. I just kept a lookout. Found reasons to interrupt constantly, and Gonzo as well as Viv were glad I did.

So fun times... I had a really fun time speaking the Spanglish, and enjoying all of the homoerotic stuff. Viv told her cousins at one point I swung that way, and they were all cool, which was cool, and they were all cool.

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