Calling all Google savvy guys!
Kind of asking some technical questions. I'm usually pretty good with technology, but I've shied away from google apps. I have however decided I wanted to give it a try.
I tried to do some searching online, but everything was hit and miss. Maybe I'm just stupid because that's always a possibility too.
Over the past couple days of student teaching I've been thinking about how I want to keep my lesson plans. I am one of those OCD, very organized people. I have decided one of the best ways to do that would probably be to use google calendar to write down my lesson plans. I have a couple questions and maybe you guys can help me out. If you can answer any of these questions it'd be greatly appreciated... Thanks!
- As much as the times off to the side annoy me I can live with that.
- Is there a way to get the description to print out on the calendar? I only seem to be able to get a grid view with a note of the event.
- How do I add attachments (handouts, worksheets, etc.) to a google calendar?
- Do I have to upload the document to google documents first?
I envision being able to tell my students to go online if they need a handout that I passed out and they need weeks later. I see me using this as a way to pull up a document I may have uploaded to the computer at work and wanted to work on at home. I see me reverting to it year after year if I am teaching the same preps and can easily pull attachments/follow what is online.
- Is there a way to get a description to show on the physical calendar without having to click on the event? Also, if you'll look in the pic below I don't like how the description for social studies looks so cluttered. Any idea? This was where I just typed into the event title section.
One thing I do know after my internet searching is that I can use iCal on my Mac and attach documents that way, set up a separate calendar that way, which would solve some of my issues. iCal easily syncs with google calendar. I kind of would like a separate iCal though for school.
The best I've found after doing some additional playing around seems to be what I was able to find in iCal. I can fill everything in the description and do attachments, and it looks mostly uncluttered.
I know I can easily ask iCal to back everything up into a PDF or something to archive it and have it in this view. I guess I'm asking does google make something/is there a way for all of my requisites to show up on a google calendar?
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