Wednesday, July 9, 2008

It was going to be a workout

I called The Guy on Monday about the time I felt an anxiety attack come on. I feel lately as if I can stop the attacks if I am talking with a friend or something. So I called The Guy Monday as Zach was leaving his house from a quick visit. We talked about our days, then said we would hang out yesterday. He said I should come over after my class and we'd go work out. I called him after class yesterday and he said the plan was we'd have lunch, play some WOW, when it was cooler in the afternoon, we'd go workout.

I get to his place about 11:40a.m. and he is hungry. I'm not hungry, but I said I'd eat. He said he was busy playing in an instance and asked if I'd make the pasta and cut up the chicken. I did all of that and even served him a bowl. He said I did a "pretty good job," although he complained there was no chicken in the dish I served him. He sat, ate, and played.

We sit and he plays for a while. His friend Dan asks if I can play The Guy's mage and The Guy can be the tanker in WOW. I said ok and got on The Guy's laptop and we moved from the living room to office and played for a good 2-3 hours.

We took a break to unpack new drinking glasses The Guy ordered off the internet from We put those in the dishwasher, then talked about going to the gym, but he didn't feel up to it.

We sat around watching youtube videos about the iPhone, Zune, and stuff like that. Then we talked about going together Monday morning when there is less confusion to get our iPhones. Yes, I'm going to pay that ridiculous extra $30 a month, which doesn't include text messaging. Damn.

The Guy talks about going out to the jacuzzi and I said that sounded good. I was going to go in also, but just sat on the edge talking to him. We talked about lots of important things. He told me about how he has a hard time cutting cords in friendships, specifically one with a friend who he has tried to hang out with for the past 5 years, but has flaked on him. Then we talked about our families and money. Then we talked about me. I wanted to talk to The Guy about my future plans because he always gives a different perspective... so here I'm writing it down just because he said I should and I'll have it here to be reminded of it.

It would be a good idea to get my teaching credential, then teach for a couple years, working on an administrative degree at the same time. Once I have my credential move out of my house and rent a room or house. This brought up an issue in that my family and parents have always discouraged renting. I've been told once you can buy a house, buy a house, buy a house. So renting in my mind has pretty much been out of the question. Housing prices at the time that all of my plans come to fruition they are saying should be bottoming out, so it would be a great time to buy a house. The Guy wasn't convinced. The Guy and I talked about how I would really like to pursue something in my degree field and I brought up could benefit from my degree- I mentioned fast food headquarters, department stores, some of the opportunities and jobs I've read about online, and stuff like that. He said that my eyes really lit up when talking about that and he thinks I should pursue that, but for right now the teaching credential would be a good way to ensure stability. Another thing we talked about was where I want to live. I mentioned right here in the area I do now- The Guy mentioned how I should focus on moving away from family, the conservativeness of this area, the problems like police response times, the people in the area, and stuff like that. I said for me I have a hard time of stepping out of my comfort zone and to me living in this area is comfortable despite everything he said. He mentioned how the opportunities I want are in large cities like Seattle, LA, NY, San Francisco, and San Diego. I acknowledged that and said I know that, but for me the hard thing is stepping out. We talked more about renting and how it will allow me to save for a large down payment on a house or whatever, how I won't feel bound by having bought a house and feel forced to live in an area my whole life. He also brought up how he knows 1 key piece of information (that I'm gay) and that is hidden from the rest of my family, because he thinks I'd thrive in an area like he lives where it is kind of suburban, but there is a larger gay community, and you will see your friends out and about. I sort of shuddered the way he was describing it like going out with them the night before and then seeing them at the grocery store the next day. Anyways, he was supportive of my plans, thinks I have good ideas, and just gave me new things to think about like renting.

We must have talked for 40-45 minutes. The Guy swam a couple laps in the pool, talked about it being kind of hazy outside, as well as humid, but no too terrible. Then we went inside. We sat and watched an episode or 2 of "Law and Order." He played WOW with his friends Alex and Chuck from back east. I studied for my test in my linguistics class I had today.

Afterward, he ate dinner. I was not hungry. He had a grilled chicken breast and green beans. He went to input that in his calorie calculator thing and obsessed over not having the label from the pasta to be able to keep track of that in his thing. We looked online, couldn't find the brand, the packaging, or anything. We looked at amazon and a bunch of other sites. We spent nearly 30 minutes doing that. It would have taken less time to drive to the Farmer's Market, figure out the brand, then come home. Then he modified his meals and meal portions and discovered he still had 100 or so calories he could eat and was goign to have an orange after he got home from the gym. At about 8p.m. we decided to call it a day and he was going to go the gym to do cardio or something for 20 minutes, and I was going to get home to study.


B said...

He's right...don't buy until you've saved enough for a sizable down payment and you are sure you want to be somewhere for 5-10 years. It may be a buyer's market, but if you want to move a couple of years down the line and the market has not rebounded you'd be in a rough spot.

Creative Thinker said...

I continue to be absolutely AMAZED that you can remember every little detail of your conversations, what you ate, when you did all these things. Hell, I can barely remember my own telephone number...