Monday, July 14, 2008

Making demo tapes

I had been planning with The Guy for 4-5 days to have him help me with a demo tape to apply for a job I want. He said he knew exactly what to do and we planned for today. I confirmed with him this morning via IM before I left for class.

I called The Guy when I got out of class as I was walking to my car. I have a 10-15 minute walk from my class to my car. It is over a mile away. I get in my NEW car and drive over there.

I got out of class at 11, got to my car at 11:15, got a call from The Guy at 11:45 asking where I was. This was as I was turning into his driveway. I said "well, I drove really slow because I have a new car and am just breaking it in." He said "no way!" I said yes, I'm pulling in right now, come out and see it. I see a Chrysler Pacifica next to his car, so I park behind The Guy's car. He came out a few moments later and asked to see the keys, told me how much he liked the car, asked what features it had, and opened up all the doors. Then his friend Jeff came out and said how much he liked the car also because of the color and gas mileage, plus all the neat features.

The Guy and I went into the office. Jeff went into The Guy's bedroom and played some video game on his PS3 and hung out with his dog. The Guy gave me the mic, asked if I had a script to read, I did, and I e-mailed it to him, he put it on his computer so I could easily see it, then we read the script a few times. He kept telling me to slow down and we went through and recorded it 5-6 times and I read it over and over. Then The Guy went in and edited snippets taking the demos we liked the best. The Guy then added sound and things like that. It took until about 1p.m. That was faster than I thought.

Jeff left before The Guy and I finished. Once we finished however, we both went to nap. I woke The Guy up at 2:45 when he had to go workout. He hopped in the shower and I just sat around waiting. Then I left when he did and we went our separate ways.

I'm so exicted and thanked The Guy profusely for helping me. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Sounds fun, love doing stuff like that, been working on video stuff on my macbook for weeks. Good luck with your demo.

Aek said...

New car? Yay! You've been wanting one for a while, what is it? Hurray on getting the demos done too. One more step towards success for Mike. :)