Monday, August 10, 2009

Question for readers

Why do you read my blog?

I am always curious how you found me, why you continue reading, and things like that. I do have to say that I really do appreciate all of your support, comments, feedback, e-mails, and that you take the time to read. You can be anonymous or whatever. Just kind of curious.

I'll answer the question why I blog. It helps me get my thoughts out about something, vent about my day, get feedback from you guys, and yes, to chronicle my coming out journey. I also enjoy the friendships that I have built along the way and how these people know a lot about me that others don't.


Aek said...

I came across your blog because, at the time, your blog was one of the "few" blogs of its kind. This was before the boom of blogs. We were kind of similar yet very very different.

It was interesting to read about your journeys and adventures throughout the years.

Mind Of Mine said...

I came across your blog through Sam I am and originally i was reading about for or five on a regular basis, yours included. Then i made my own and it kind of just built up from there..

I enjoy reading it because its not a million miles from some of my own experiences and i also enjoy reading all the little spats you have with your sister.

Crap Newsman said...

I started following your blog because it was linked from other blogs. Once I follow a blog I feel I know that person.

And rarely do I stop following, mainly because of curiousity. What will happen to their lives next?

Although I stopped following a very popular blog because if the author doesn't write about how beautiful his new born niece is, it's about how awful tasting that buddhist/oriental cleansing drink is, or how he has a crush on the author of Milk, or some other reflections about life. Who gives a crap?! I'm here for the sex. Where is it?

Mind Of Mine said...

LOL @ Borg Queen...

U shud read my ferry story then...

Anonymous said...

I heard about you through Aek, who said you were one cool cat. I'm not sure, though, but you might have commented on my blog first?

I continue reading because you seem to have experiences similar to me, makes me feel less alone. That and I also think you are one cool cat. ;)

There seems to be a good sense of camaraderie among us gay bloggers, especially those that have been blogging a while now. I think it's good to foster those relationships and to hold on to them.

Joe said...

I found your blog linked to another blog I was reading that day. I cannot honestly remember for it has been a little while back. All I can say is that I began reading, then I had to work backwards to catch up on people I was reading about.

Well, now I am hooked. I check your blog daily just to see what is going on over on the west coast.

Also, I will say I have enjoyed getting to know more about you and what is going on in your life. Your willingness to share the news and stories of your life is a pretty awesome gift.

Mike said...

Thanks guys, great to hear!
Thanks for reading! :)

luis said...

Quería mejorar mi inglés y pensé que leer sería muy bueno para mi inglés y buscando, buscando encontré tu blog... y me gustó por su cotidianidad y por su naturalidad. Me gusta mucho tu blog y voy a seguir leyendo hasta al final.
Gracias por compartir tu vida con nosotros.
un abrazo desde España.

Angel said...

Te acabo de escribir un comentario y me parece que no te llegó, así que lo repito por si acaso. Preguntas por que leo el blog. Bueno, estoy estudiando inglés e intento leer en inglés todo lo que puedo para mejorar y encontré tu blog buscando blogs gays y de uno a otro llegué al tuyo y me pareció muy interesante todo lo que cuentas. No divierte leerte.
Me gusta mucho y espero llegar hasta el año 2015. Ahora voy en 2009. Te escribo en español porque mi inglés todavía no es muy bueno espero que mejore leyéndote.
Un saludo