I walk in to the waiting area to walk up to the Melissa, the receptionist, to give her my Kaiser card and get checked in for my allergy shots. As I'm waiting for Melissa, Carla is seated in her chair, with her cane picture below. I saw it was her as I was walking up, and as I walked up, she let out an obvious, loud sigh.
Anyways, I am standing there in line when Carla grabs her cane and starts tapping it, and sticks it out far enough to tap it next to my feet.
She asks: young man, is your mother here?
Me: No. (I refrained from saying sooooooooooooo much more.)
Carla: You never told her I called on Monday night asking if she had an AVON order. Where is she?
Me: Do I look like I know? She's not here with me.
Carla: (loud sigh) You said you were going to tell her I called. I can't trust you. You never do. Your dad doesn't either. You always hang up when I call or give me a hard time. I'm an old woman. I lost my husband. I lost my son. I don't deserve a hard time.
Me: I don't mean any disrespect, but I don't think this is the appropriate place to discuss this.
Carla: I went to church this morning and prayed. I prayed that you would have some sympathy. We're going to discuss this when your mom gets here.
I go sit down, and about 10 minutes later my mom comes walking in. She comes over and says hello before going to check in for her shot. We're sitting about 70 feet from the check in window, and there are 3-4 people in the waiting room. Carla's cane starts clanging on the floor.
Carla: Pamela dear, over here.
Mom: Oh, hi Carla!
Carla: Your husband and son are sitting over there. They have such an attitude.
My mom is called by Michelle at the desk to give her Kaiser card, so she walks over there.
Carla: I'm tired of not being heard.
Mom: Sometimes they tune you out- they're men, they hear what they want.
Carla: Pamela, you know I don't deserve this. I didn't get up until 11 this morning. I was up until 4 this morning watching Star Trek Voyager. I went to church and prayed today.
Mom: Carla, hun, I have to get going. I'm on short time.
I don't know what it is, but this is one of those people that just rub me the wrong way.
Mike: I don't know how you or your dad got stuck having to explain for your mom her disinterest in buying Avon products from this lady. Why can't your mom just say she's not interested, then all this guilt trip would end. Clueless sales people rub most people the wrong way, they need to be dealt with forcefully but in a polite manner.
What a lovely woman...
Is she the one playing the part of Longshank the Pirate? What a charming person.
And who the hell calls that late?!
Wow . . .
I distinctly remember that picture when you showed me. I don't think I'd like to have as a patient. >_>
Mike: Sorry, I should have read the older posts before commenting, you guys already told her off -- at this point she's not going to hear anything you say so your mom's avoidance of the topic probably is best. Just ignore, pretend and deny -- and don't let her aggravate you any further. She still won't catch the hint.
fan of casey: The annoying part is my mom buys AVON from her. I would love to get rid of this lady completely.
Mike: There's got to be other less annoying, less obnoxious, less clueless Avon sales ladies out there your mom could use. I'll say it for you: Arghhhh! Grrrrrrr!
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