Sunday, June 1, 2008

With summer coming...

With summer coming there is no doubt that I will be spending more time at The Guy's house, as well as other friend's houses. Usually I call my parents the night I stay at The Guy's house and tell them I'm spending the night. I know how The Guy works and we will hang 2-3 days in a row sometimes.

In my defense gas is over $4.00 a gallon and driving to his place is costly.
In my defense I am a good kid.
In my defense I am 21.
In my defense I can always be reached by phone by my parents.

So would it be wrong this summer to say, spend the night 2 or 3 nights in the row if the opportunity comes up? I'm not trying to push anything, but I am old enough to make decisions...


Ray said...


Anonymous said...

Yes, except for your in my opinion at 21, not a kid.
But whatever.

It makes sense and I wish gas prices would drop. My truck is almost paid for and now I want a Corolla or something. My timing sucks. Take care.