Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Cuddle Buddy

I have been chatting with Eric back and forth on connexion for several weeks. The other night he asked me if I wanted to take our friendship a step further and become cuddle buddies. I have never met Eric in person, so from online friend to cuddle buddy? Sure, why not? I joked that he was probably looking for more than a cuddle buddy, and he said nope, just come over, watch a movie, maybe sleep together, but only cuddling. Not that I'm opposed. I like cuddling. Love holding a guy or having them hold me, but cuddle buddy? I know I've heard the term used a lot more lately and I'm assuming it is not purely platonic as he describes.

So Eric wants to get together this weekend with his new presumed cuddle buddy to cuddle, watch a movie, and sleep... hmmmmmm


M&M said...

ha riiiggghhhhht...I have tried that before, but boys will be boys lol

Aek said...

Hehe, that's cute. Cuddle buddy, lol. Careful, it'll probably lead to something more. ;-)

Crap Newsman said...

Looks like something Dan from OKC would want.

But what's the point, really? Everyone's turning into the JOnas Bros. with their purity rings now? Please excuse me while I shoot myself.

Mike said...

M&M: I agree
Aek: I think so.
borg_queen: I'm not saying I'm opposed. Dan is a good guy! LOL... stupid JoBros for bringing about this change in society.

Anonymous said...

Bust a nut buddies? Which one is this guy
again? I don't use connexion. I wonder if it's any
good? Well good for you! Enjoy

Mike said...

closet: This is a random new guy- never mentioned before. I meet a lot of guys. I just mention the noteworthy stuff, or the guys I actually go on dates with. Not that I do a lot of that.