Tuesday, July 14, 2009

It is always hot

My dad likes Markina Brown on KTLA. He says, "she always looks clasy, very conversational and makes the weather fun because she has her weather game where she gives you clues about the city, then gives you a personalized forecast."

Here's a guy whom I personally find very sexy, Mr. Rick Dickert, but my dad does not like. He is trying too hard here my dad says with the suit jacket, tee, and jeans. He could have worn black pants and the suit jacket my dad argued. He shouldn't be on air dressed like that. He's one of those hot guys that can pull anything off is all I can say.

Oh, and while on the subject of temperatures it was 88 last night at 9p.m. It was sticky.


Aek said...

Wow . . . it's HOT there. O_O

Crap Newsman said...


Rick Dick. That's a nice name.