Monday, September 17, 2007

I'm on bitch mode

I have not been happy at work this year. I can deal with the changes of having a stricter boss/new coordinator. I have no problem with that because I follow the rules and stuff like that. There are some definite changes from previous years, but overall in most aspects I'm not complaining.

People however, like Loud Mouth Coworker do things to try and piss you off like trying to avoid clocking out for lunch when everyone else does, being a stickler about timecards when that is none of her business- she makes others clock out, yet not herself. It all came to a head last week in a lunch meeting when I sent an e-mail to the coordinator about how Loud Mouth was pissing me and everyone else off. The lunch meeting just got the issue out there, but it is far from handled. I can handle and deal with Loud Mouth, so it is no big deal, but it is really taking a toll on everyone else at work. The issue will be addressed this week sometime. Loud Mouth isn't talking to me, but you know what? Everytime she doesn't like something I do she tells me I'm on bitch mode. I just say I don't abuse my privileges and don't know why you're pissed off. Poor Loud Mouth didn't get her way.

I just feel like I don't need to be caught up in Loud Mouth's drama and problems. I have better ways to spend my time. I will have another job soon and an internship. I don't need her to tell me what to do, I can, and do stand up to her, but I'm tired of the drama. In my e-mail I told about how I have better opportunities etc, yet come back to work because I used to enjoy it. I don't this year. In the e-mail I also said I work there because I enjoy it- not because of the pay, but this year I haven't enjoyed it because of Loud Mouth and because of the lack of pay.

I really don't give a rats ass about anything at work this year. If there is a chance to leave early, I do. If I'm not needed, I leave. Today we were done at 10:30 and had a lunch break until 12:30. My coworkers were standing around being indecisive about where they wanted to go eat. I was willing to go with them, but I was tired of them standing around being so indecisive and then finally they told me I was going to drive since it was my turn. I said ok, just tell me where we're going. Every place I mentioned in the area we could eat didn't strike their fancies. 10 minutes later and they couldn't decide. I told them screw it and left. Loud Mouth called to ask why I was on bitch mode and bitching at everyone, but I didn't pick up. I let the phone go to voicemail. And because I'm bad like that, I didn't come back at 12:30 when I was supposed to be back. Instead, I was at home watching videos on xtube, relaxing, relieving stress before my dentist appointment.

It was nice to go in relaxed to the dentist after my mid-afternoon stress relief. I LOATHE the dentist. I don't like the drill, the dental pick, the technical talk, stuff like that. It was a LONG appointment- it lasted an hour and 10 minutes because they kept getting a bad x-ray reading on my back right molars. No cavities though... no surprise. The doctor said that he has no problem sedating me next time it comes to me going to the dentist. Apparently the hygenist saw my nervousness going in to the dentist. We talked about random stuff, so that did calm my fears, but sedation sounds like the way to go next time.

Loud Mouth called this afternoon wanting to know if I had a problem with her and to confront her rather than go to authority and get her ass in trouble. I let it go to voicemail, but listened to the voicemail and heard that. It is so typical of her, she's scared. What's going to her going to do? Nothing... she won't change and my going to authority just pisses her off. I've gone to Loud Mouth before when I have a problem with her and it does nothing- she just puts you on her hate list and won't talk to you for the rest of the year. It is kind of sad that I'm the only tutor at work who has no problem standing up to her. But I do plan to tell her what is on my mind next time I go to work and have no problem if she doesn't talk to me for the rest of the year.


dan said...

just tell them the truth, you were STRESSED about the dentist!
hope you have a better day. good luck with all them women at work.

Creative Thinker said...

Honey -- I practically LIVE in bitch mode. Don't let her get you down. Some people are like that - they just like power. It's always fun to play with their heads... :-)