Sunday, September 30, 2007

Sexy professor takes off his shirt

I've been meaning to post this since Friday after it happened, but things were busy and things happened.

So on Friday I had my music class. The sexy professor lectured the first half of the class. At 10:30 he gave us a break. During the break he came outside and was talking to various students. I was standing around talking to Randy, a 50 or so year old Mexican guy who is taking the class. He is a cool guy to talk to. We were talking about how we noticed the professor had got his tattoos inked between last Friday and this Friday. Randy asked the professor about them.

The sexy professor then tells us about all of his tattoos- a sun on his neck, a sea turtle on his left breast, a random circle with a design around his belly button, then a tattoo with a circle on his right arm that looked like a maze- I forget the meaning of that one, he has a tattoo that says "faith and music" on his left arm, then there is his new tattoo that we could see. When we started the class he told us he only had 3 tattoos- the turtle, belly button, and sun. He got this new tattoo in exchange for giving music lessons. We asked what it was because it looked like a bunch of random swiggles. The random swiggles were water we found out. The tattoo is of a koi fish swimming upstream, which he said symbolizes all of his struggles in life like his divorce and some of the things he has been through. We couldn't see the tattoo well, so then the professor said to come inside and he'd show us.

Randy and I went inside and the professor took off his white buttondown shirt and white t-shirt he had on. He doesn't really work out, but had a nice body, not a lot of hair on his chest. He kind of reminded me of Enrique Iglesias and that would be the best description of his frame I guess. The professor took off his shirt as I said and he began twirling around showing us each tattoo and telling us about them.

The tattoos were ugly- the sun on the back of his neck looked nice. The sea turtle looked like a little stick on tattoo you get as a kid from one of those machines in the grocery store... yes... that bad. The koi fish tattoo that we could see from his shirt was ugly- it had a bunch of swiggles representing water and you only saw the middle section of the fish (no head or fin), which seemed pointless. Though the tattoos were ugly (with the exception of the sun), I don't care. I got to see him strip off his shirt for me and see his hot body. That was good enough.

The professor gave us his myspace and when I first went on it there was "no answer" for his orientation, then he changed it to straight, then took that portion of the information box out, which is where he stands currently. That to me is an indication he is gay. Another indication is he was so willing to strip off his shirt- how many straight guys would do that for another guy? I know friends who have tattoos just kind of lift up their shirt and show them, not so voluntarily strip off the shirt.


K said...

I will never understand why ppl get dumbass tatoos that will not look hot 30 years from when you get them, it makes no sense.

With that being said....if he looks anything like Enrique, I don't care if he has an ice cream cone tat'd on his ass.....I'd still hit!


Anonymous said...

I'm not a big tatoo fan but I'm a big fan of nice looking guys with their shirts off.

J.R. said...

Tats are actually a major turn-off for me... not total dealbreakers, though the ones your describing might be haha.

Nothing Golden Stays

Troystopher said...

Sounds like he is gay to me.

I have a tattoo and I love showing it to people, especially guys I think are cute.

Anonymous said...

I have a professor who is in that recreational softball team we are playing in. Yeah thats one sext professor of mine.

I have to say, yours took the cake when he went shirtless.

dan said...

nah, I think all guys would take off their shirt for any reason for anyone. ha ha.