Tuesday, May 5, 2009

He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother

Instead of grappling about what isn't going right in life right now, and what is going wrong, I'm trying to focus on the positive.

Last night I had a most excellent conversation with Dennis. Dennis was the one I was chatting with when I had the Mike texting incident. We chatted once I got home on the internet.

I am a Mac user as many of you know, we were chatting on iChat, and I happened to be listening to iTunes. I have the song title I'm listening to in iTunes broadcast on iChat, and the song "He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother" was playing.

Dennis can be very ambiguous/indirect (I think those are the best words) when he talks, and last night was no exception. He was talking about how he was also having a really bad day, and he kind of opened up to me about it. He had some major issues at work and school. YAY, HE OPENED UP!

Dennis got hit by a bike for one, which he was complaining about
Dennis: white bikers aren't my type
Me: too many tattoos?
Me: not into white guys?
Dennis: he was rude, he was the one who ran into me on his bike and told me i was in his way
Me: I would have told him he was in my way and threw it back in his face
Dennis: I LOVE YOU!
Me: I love you too :) (I'm thinking in a platonic way)
Dennis: You always make me feel better
Me: :)
Dennis: Brother
Me: lol
... (a few minutes pass)...
Dennis: Hollies
Me: hmmmm
Dennis: you
Dennis: me
Dennis: no burden is he
Me: where'd he come in? (not realizing what was playing in the background)
Dennis: He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother
Me: oooooh
Me: The Hollies
Dennis: All classics
... (a few minutes pass)...
Me: All the time, KOLA 99.9?
Dennis: Kinda. You're like a brother to me
Me: aaaaaaaaaw
Me: I'm glad, you're like one to me :)

While I might have been a little slow in digesting all of that it, I'm glad to know that "He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother."

I'm glad that while friendships with The Mike's, Steve, sure we'll throw Carl into the mix, and others may have waned/ended I have incredible friends like The Guy, Dennis, Foot Fetish, Gonzo, best friend down in MS and even my blogging friends/people I've met through blogging I can chat with about anything and I love the whole unity.

Dennis ended our convo last night by talking about how we need to hang out more. So yay for that... unfortunately it'll probably be next weekend since I have to go to LA/Chinatown for my art class on Saturday. I'm really excited for that to get away and do more exploring.


Anonymous said...

Friends, ftw! Yay! ^_^

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