Friday, September 25, 2009

Random Tidbits from my life

- My mom finally told Linda that her mom had died last Saturday. She wasn't going to, but somehow in conversation it came out. Thursday was an especially difficult day. My mom broke down while calling me on the phone. I have been doing better as the week progresses. I think Linda wasn't going to tell because it would upset Linda, but also Linda has dealt with tons of loss and her thing would probably be very concerned, then let's move on because you've got to- just a guess. My mom also didn't bring it up because there is not much she can- other than what we've done legally- but she told me she isn't really crying because she's so happy grandma is in a better place away from my aunt. Not thrilled about this weekend.
- My mom and sister spent some time watching LOGO last night. My mom realized it was the gay channel when she kept seeing "Boys Gone Wild" ads. They were watching a show called "The Killer Condom." My dad later joined them in watching it. They deemed it was one of those you just had to watch because the title drew you in. Me, I passed, I equated it to watching porn with my family. No. It was pretty hilarious. I heard nonstop laughs from the living room
- I helped out a former teacher, Mr. B, with Back to School Night. He couldn't be there, so he made a video to show to parents, and all I had to do was play it. I just gave a little introduction each time and it was pretty unintimidating, even though I was talking to adults, many much older than me.
- I am finding more than any other time I have a lot of confidence. I mean using last night as an example, or subbing, or giving presentations. Easy deal. I don't mind public speaking- I never have- I just seem to have a new confidence (as much as I hate my voice) where I am less shy.
- Hung out with Chris Sunday night. Went to Target and the Olive Garden. We saw The Informant. Very Austin Powers like is what I told him with the music. We both were expecting something different and Matt, Matt, what happened? We were not turned on by Matt Damon's character.
- Been chatting with Chris a lot online. He was having a hard night Wednesday over the breakup. Last night he was too, and told me he was sad I wasn't there to watch NBC Thursday Night with him. I said next Thursday I'll make sure to be. We somehow got to talking about enjoying each other's company. The conversation got sexual in nature. I was the bad boy in this and told him well, I really like his penis. He asked if I really did. I said mhmmmm and as we chatted we talked about enjoying spending time with each other and then I told him I really liked him. I wanted to throw it out. I did.
- I am going out clubbing at the gay club in my city with Gonzo, Marci, and Viv from work tonight. Not sure Marci and Viv know about me being gay. Should make for an interesting thing when they find out. I don't know if they know it is a gay club or what Gonzo has told them.


Aek said...

There's a gay TV channel? o_O?

How're things going exactly with Chris?

Anonymous said...

Please get some kind of grief counseling. Its a terrible loss and added to the drama and disfunctunal relative you all can certainly use some help in getting through this. Kaiser must have something or call any mortuary for leads.