Thursday, August 9, 2007

Mom's cut the strings... anyone up for a trip?

My mom asked me on Tuesday afternoon why I hadn't gone out yet after I had been home maybe 18 hours. It was funny, she said she was so used to having me go out somewhere and not coming back for 6-7 hours that she thought I needed out of the ehouse. I said nope, I wasn't going out, but asked if that was a problem. She said "no, it is kind of nice having you home, but I'm glad that you get to go out and have fun." Oh, if only she knew half of it.

Then my mom later asked if I had any plans upcoming she should know about. She asked if I was flying across country, perhaps a Labor Day trip with friends. So... Labor Day weekend I have been given permission to go somewhere like she's expecting it... a plane trip at that... I want to go somewhere... unfortunately I don't have anyone to go with. WOW... my mom has really grown... she is suddenly so much less clingy and it is like she is trying to get rid of me...heh. I think she is realizing I am able to grow up and handle myself. YAY ME. She said that she basically wants me to be able to travel, explore, meet new people, make new friends, be happy and she sees how well I handled this last trip and how much fun I had. My mom said she doesn't see why I don't go on a trip with friends somewhere for Labor Day. I asked what that meant, where I could go. I asked if that meant my friend who I just went to see in Mississippi and I could go to New York or what. She said sure as long as we stay in a safe place in NYC. She said I can drive or fly up to see my grandma and maybe a friend would want to go. I could go to Oklahoma and see my family out there. She said I could go to Washington DC or back to Newport News Virginia to see family. She said for me to try and contact my friends and maybe book a hotel at the beach or something or whatever I want. I shall try that...

Since we were on the topic of trips I asked if that meant I could go to Vegas for my 21st and she said as long as there is no drinking...haha... WOOT. Would I ever drink? Nope... no... didn't think so...

Since we're on the topic of flying here is a pic I took flying over Mississippi with my friend:


Creative Thinker said...

Hey dude -- I hope you do go to NYC. I'm going next week for a friend's birthday and I am pumped. From your post, I'm assuming you haven't been before. If you do go, let me know and I I can make all sorts of fun recomendations...

dan said...

man i hear you! I"m still sort of "miffed", if that doesn't sound to gay, at my friend in austin for not inviting me down there. it's getting too close to comfort and ticket prices already going up so that sucks. I'll be in AR most likely that weekend.. later.