Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sister did something to the tire

A couple posts ago I blogged about my sister's tire. My mom took her to Sears at 3:45. My mom's friend Louise was working at Sears, went out to look at the tire with my mom. Louise said this was no road damage like my sister claimed. It was someone using maybe a screwdriver, hammer, or knife to try to puncture the tire. Sister said it must have happened at the train station. My mom said there are security cameras, a guard on duty, and there wouldn't be kids in the area. Sister said it happened at the mall. My mom said it was possible, but doubtful. My mom gave my sister the option of paying for a new tire for herself if it was that necessary. Sister broke down crying about how unsafe she is going to be, but there was little sympathy. The tire is good according to Louise as long as there are no bulges in it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG, someone just buy her a new tire already!