Last night was no exception- you can read about my dream below that I had about Chris.
So we did all of the above.
Met at his place at 6:15p.m., then went to dinner. We went to an Italian place down the street from his apartment I had never been to. It wasn't great, but it was pretty good. We talked about so much- just like a date- we talked over what to eat, should we split or share what we are eating? We talked about school, I talked about work, he talked about work, swapped stories about our week, how mean I am at work, he talked about Christmas and wanting to go somewhere since he won't have his son he doesn't want to do the family thing. We talked about facebook apps like Grindr and how scary it was. I told him my story about it. We talked about family. I told him a little about what was going on with my family since he asked how I was holding up since my grandma's death.
We get back to his place, then get our swimsuits and change to go to the hot tub in his complex. We get down there and chat a lot about school. We talk about how happy I am at the college I am at. He asked if I was worried about loans because I should already be pretty indebted because of my undergrad, but I told him why I graduated from college with no debt. Then we talked about his education, how his grandpa is encouraging him to go back and get his doctorate, but he is so over school. We talked about the situation with my grandma a little more. It was a good conversation and felt good to just let it out. We talked about teaching- becoming an administrator. He told me about his friend who has been pink slipped every year she has taught and she has taught nearly 10 or 11 years and how she lives so frugally because of the constant threats of being terminated. I told how my dad was pink slipped after working in the same district for 8 years and the constant threat for my mom being a home ec teacher. Good talk and enjoyed how he said he admires me for going into teacher.
Then we go back upstairs. I use the bathroom, so I close the door and decide to change. When I come out he makes fun of me for changing behind closed doors when he has seen me nakey before. I wish I hadn't changed behind closed doors in that case... haha.
So we settle in for Thursday night TV. So we could skip through the commercials quick we watch a quick episode of "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia," and we talk about had we ever been to Philadelphia. I had been to Pennsylvania like Hershey and Gettysburg, but not Philadelphia. While we're watching TV Chris develops severe heartburn. Severe heartburn. He takes some pills for it then kind of lays on the couch with his computer trying to distract himself. He is playing Bejeweled and farming on facebook. We watch "The Office," which is HILARIOUS. I was laughing and cringing sooooo much. After "30 Rock" we called it a night, I grabbed my leftovers from dinner, got my swimsuit, and headed home.
So for um not dating and not being sexually compatible, a hot tub, dinner, and TV on the couch sure sounded like one... haha... I'm not hurt. I'm not falling into the trap if that is what it is. I'll just consider it a good time with a friend.
I've always thought his comment was rather strange based on what you have posted on the blog.
Maybe I'm being overly judgmental, but he sounds like someone who wants all the benefits without any of the commitments or responsibilities.
I don't know how to take screen grabs of my phone like that. Cool. I'm tired of paying for my iphone bill (but still love it).
Well, glad you had a good time. Nothing with guy's shocks me I guess in terms of their behavior after an original encounter. I've seen it all. Usually the one's I don't want to latch on do, and vice versa.
Hope your well!
El Genio: I'm finding that to be true. More on that in my next post. The Guy and I talked and basically his view is I'm being used as a rebound or 2nd choice.
Closet: Hit the home button and power button simultaneously.
Wow, that's easy. I had done it by accident, but didn't know how I did it lol.
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