Sunday, July 22, 2007


Well, I'm not addicted to WOW. I am frustrated by the game. I keep dying. I keep running out of ammo. I keep having to stop to kill EVERYTHING in my path. I am frustrated I am not on level 10 yet. I'm frustrated that The Guy just makes fun of me when I whine and complain. I'm frustrated he won't help me. Ok, there's my rant.

So I went over to his place about 3 today. We played WOW for a while. We played WOW for a while and then ordered Thai for dinner. I'm not sure what I ordered- The Guy told me to order it and I did. It was good though. We played for a while after dinner.

Soon after dinner I got a headache. I felt really bad and really quickly. I laid down and fell asleep on the couch for a few minutes- which is unusual. I cannot sleep just anywhere. I woke up and The Guy realized I didn't feel well. He told me to go get Advil out of the kitchen. He was joking around that I was sick and sad that he wasn't in a sexual mood. He said he'll try to be next time, but the lipozap zapped his sex drive. Anyways, I went back and sat on the couch. The Guy said I should come up to him and he'd hold me until I felt better. I laid there in his arms for about 2 hours as he played WOW and held/kissed my forehead randomly. It was nice and that felt good/reassuring. I left about 10, though I planned to leave about 8. I had a headache though, and while I could have driven home and would have been fine it felt good to be there and be with him.

This is totally shifting ideas, but it is too funny to not mention. My mom walked in my room as I was typing this and said "it smells like beer in here." I laugh and say I don't know. She leaves the room and goes back to the bathroom to run her bath water. She comes in again and says "it smells like a brewery." I laugh even harder. My mom then playfully asks if I had been drinking tonight and I said no. She asks if I took the beer out of the refrigerator that she was planning to use for beer biscuits or shrimp. I said I was a little thirsty. She asks what I got to spray that smelled bad (she doesn't like the smell of beer). I said I sprayed Oust about 12 hours earlier before we closed my room off and put the air filter on. So that must be it... Oust Outdoor Scent Air Sanitizer smells like beer. Anyways, as I was coming to the paragraph above my sister walks in my room and says "Mike's room smells like beer." My sister was in her room prior to this and was not around when my mom said anything. Anyways, my sister said it loud enough to wake my dad up and have him come in and investigate. My dad just said he didn't smell anything. Personally, I smell an underlying sweet scent to the room- nothing girly, but it has a sweet scent to it like maybe Oust/Lysol after it has been sprayed and the smell has mostly dissipated; not like beer. I don't like the smell of Lysol/Oust, but I shall deal with that later. Well, I'm going to get back to sipping my ice cold beer and then get to bed. j/k!

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